
Sri Lanka still undecided on lifting #SocialMediaBan : Here is Why

The ban on the Facebook and several other social media was imposed on the 07th March following the unrest that took place in Kandy recently. 

But the date of Facebook ban removal still undecided.here is why ?

Sri Lankan security forces clean up a street in Kandy as a 10-day state of emergency is declared. Photograph: Xinhua/Barcroft Images

  1. According to  Austin Fernando, the Chairman of TRC , Sri Lanka has requested from Facebook that to remove hate speech and incitement to violence from their platform.
  2. Facebook in a response said , "We have clear rules against hate speech and incitement to violence and work hard to keep it off our platform. We are responding to the situation in Sri Lanka and are in contact with the government and non-governmental organizations to support efforts to identify and remove such content." CNBC reported .
  3. But government said that we need an official statement The BBC Sinhala Reported 
  4. So , We need to wait or use VPN services till Facebook hire people who can read Sinhalese .


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