
UK Parliament debated about upcoming Presidential elections

transcript - time code 14.45.32 Lord Bach (Lab): My Lords, President Rajapaksa has called an early presidential election for 8 January...

transcript - time code 14.45.32
Lord Bach (Lab):
My Lords, President Rajapaksa has called an early presidential election for 8 January next year. Last week there were defections by senior Ministers from the Government, including Mr Sirisena, who will be the principal opposition candidate. Given the history of such elections in the past and that reports this weekend suggest that Mr Sirisena’s first broadcast has been blocked and his bodyguards removed, what do Her Majesty’s Government believe are the prospects for a free, fair and inclusive election?
Lord Wallace of Saltaire:
My Lords, the British Government and others are talking about the best way in which to make sure that there is effective monitoring of the elections. We will of course be raising such issues with the Sri Lankan Government.

full transcript -http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201415/ldhansrd/text/141124-0001.htm#14112415000314


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